Friday, April 19, 2024

A Purpose Driven Woman



The path to finding your ture purpose is often filled with doubts and detours, and attaining the life you feel destined to live can seem impossible. But in A Purpose Driven Woman: 14 Memoirs on Becoing Fearless & Intentional these courageouse coauthors prove that you can transform your life and live out your passions.

The compelling stories of women who shifted into their purpose to become the best version of themselves will embolden you to face the truth of your circumstances; forgive those, including yourself, who have cause you harm; and thake the necessary steps to become everthing you were born to be. This anthology will serve as a testement to every woan who decided not to give up her dreams.

I am so thankful to Felicia Shakespeare for this opportunity to collaborte with her and be given this platform where I can share who SHE is and how SHE got here. I hope you will purchase your copy and affirm I AM SHE and I AM A PURPOSE DRIVEN WOMAN!

Get your autographed copy today!

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